Friday, August 20, 2010

Who and What

Hello, my name is Marshall and thanks for visiting.

I'm not sure why you are here, but this is where you can learn a little more about who I am and about some of the things that I think are relatively important.

On the surface I'm just an average forty-something blue-collar guy, another wage-slave struggling to get by in these interesting times. I'm not much of a materialist, not very motivated by money or possessions and as a result I have little of either. I'm more of an intellectual person, driven by compulsion to search for truth and understanding, determined to avoid living a life unexamined. I think of myself as a spiritual, not religious person and I think that the distinction is profoundly important.

I'm a relatively fortunate person from a good middle class family in the USA. I understand that I have had a privileged life as such, standing on the shoulders of giants and living large from the gains of our ancestors while billions of others live in poverty, strife and oppression. As a result I suffer from a crisis of conscience which is the primary motive for the creation of this blog and for the creation of Integral Activism.